Recognizing real and fraudulent gold trade deals

Recognizing real and fraudulent gold trade deals

Having been in the Gold Business for the past 9 years, I do not see any reason why a gold agent should contact anyone who is not in the Gold business to buy Gold from them. That’s not the tried and true way of showing interest. I have done business with several Gold mines and I recognize all fraudulent means by which people scammers use to scam their bait.

If you are not in the Gold business or doing anything related to it, there is no reason for you to receive any offer from someone for Gold. Why should you even be contacted to buy large quantities of Gold.

The practicality of Common  Sense

One major key missed by a lot of people. Being offered Gold at a very cheap price can be very incentivizing. Especially if the price is way below the world Market price. Don’t get tempted. That is greed. You can ask Adam and Eve. They had to pay with their lives. Sometimes we are driven by greed to make certain decisions and our personal judgments are clouded. Refrain. Please.

Only large companies can provide large quantities of Gold.

Large companies do not need to develop business. They have developed it. They have one, two, three or more long-term partners which purchase their gold for best prices. Even if their partners would fail for some reason, there is no common sense in approaching people who are not already in business with gold. So with this said, there is no reason why an individual can offer you let’s say 100 kilograms of gold. It is very impractical. Especially if you are not in the Business of Gold. They can’t even deliver on that. It is impractical.

Small scale miners are never short of buyers

Small companies sell their gold as quickly as they produce it. They need money to pay small scale miners, their families, food, expenses, debts. They sell their gold in Africa virtually on the same gold mining fields, or in the nearby village or city. Nobody has time after production to "seek a foreign buyer". You may dwell on the thought that either small or big company is keeping stock of gold, not sold yet, just waiting for you to come and pay for it.

All the best in your dealings. Don't forget to take our contact and reach out to us anytime you need help on reaching legitimate gold buyers. Thank you.