How can I find a good Gold seller in Africa

How can I find a good Gold seller in Africa

Gold is high end metal which is well respected among all the metals that have been discovered. As expensive as Gold is is it's importance to people who would want to wield it. For this reason, buyers of Gold should be very careful in their dealings. In as much as you would want to have it and own it, you must understand that Gold is not cheap. A gold seller who is not genuine will try to sell you fake gold at a price far below the world market price. Be careful and take this to mind. There are some tips you have to know.

Learn everything about Gold

Learning about Gold is the number one and probably the most important thing to know. This is even more important than even knowing whether the seller is genuine or not. This is because if you know this, fake gold dealers will find it very difficult to deal with you. You must know these about Gold.

Gold's properties Gold is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. It is a soft yellow metal with a beautiful lustrous sheen. It is the most malleable and ductile of all the elements and just a single gram can be beaten into a sheet of one square meter goldleaf.
Gold is unaffected by water, alkalis, and all acids except aqua regia (A mixture of hydrochloric Acid and Nitric Acid) which can dissolve Gold.

Buying gold in small quantities.

It is very important again for you to start buying Gold in small quantities in your own town and cities. Once you know and can recognize off head the good physical properties of Gold, you are good to take on bigger things. 

All the best in your dealings. Don't forget to taKe our contact and reach out to us anytime you need help on reaching legitimatemgold buyers. Thank you.